Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Corn Farmers Starting to Mow Down Fields

Some corn farmers in drought-stricken areas are already starting to mow their corn crop down as the devastating drought continues on in the Midwest and other corn-producing regions.

As the corn pollination process began, temperatures in the triple digits hit the Midwest, along with little or no rain for most farmers.

Lack of rain and corn struggling to pollinate properly once temperatures approach 100 degrees has some farmers throwing in the towel on this year's crop, although some may attempt another planting to see if favorable condition rise in the fall, although all can't do that because of the freezing temperatures which come in that time of the year, which could also devastate a crop if it comes earlier than expected.

Others may just bite the bullet and take their crop insurance money and wait until next year.

For farmers whose corn is still in decent shape, they could get a big windfall in profits if the weather breaks sometime soon, as corn prices guarantee a great year for them.

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